Wednesday, March 11, 2009

T-Minus Six Days

The music portion of SXSW officially kicks off next Wednesday, but Heather and I will be arriving in Austin on Tuesday, after spending a few days at my grandmother's place in Harlingen.

What I learned early on about SXSW, as soon as they started posting the schedules, in fact, is that there's almost always an opportunity cost for any decision you make. As I'm putting my schedule together, Wednesday and Friday are shaping up to be my most difficult days.

Wednesday night is the Van's showcase at Emo's, which will include Echo and the Bunnymen, Juliette and the New Romantiques, The Circle Jerks, and H.R. (from Bad Brains). By going to this show, I'll miss Roky Erikson, Ladyhawke, and The Moaners. I'm especially disappointed about the Moaners/Circle Jerks conflict, as I've been dying to see Melissa Swingle since I first bought Trailer Bride's High Seas eight years ago.

Friday is going to be pretty much impossible to get right. That's the Onion/AV Club party, the Bloodshot Records showcase, the Spin party, and the Underground Garage party. The evening is going to be even harder to plan. The DEVO, New York Dolls, Queers and Dinosaur Jr. shows conflict, as do the Cocktail Slippers and the Cute Lepers. And I haven't even mentioned the Krayolas, Silversun Pickups, Glasvegas or John Wesley Harding.

I know, it's a pretty nice problem to have, too many bands to see. Check out my tenative schedule below (complete with massive conflicts) or the full schedule by clicking on the top header in the table and let me know if you have suggestions.

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